Reclaimed Rags
Recycled? Upcycled? Reused? Forgotten and now loved? I am not sure what you want to call it, but that is where I am headed.
Let me back up a sec.
I have too much stuff. Like way, way too much stuff. In every facet of life. Today, however, we are going to focus on clothes and clothes alone. Hold onto your hats … you are sure to think I am a crazy excessive person before this posts end.
So this summer, I decided to follow along with the “Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” trend and dump every single piece of clothing I own out onto my bedroom floor and get rid of more than half of it. You can see the picture evidence below of just how stupid much I had and how much I got rid of. It was the longest processes but one that ended up being easier for me than I thought it was going to be. I think that is because I have realized the major issue I have with excess.

The idea of excess has been on my mind for, honestly, a few years now. It all started when I was introduced to the life changing and hilarious (like cry laugh funny, y’all) words of my girl, Jen Hatmaker. I do not remember how it happened, but I do know it was a God thing, finding her book, Seven.
"Seven" is all about getting rid of the "stuff" to try and make room for what is really important in life. Jesus. We have so much stuff that our focus is on that instead of our relationship with Jesus, what He is asking us to do, things He is putting in our path, etc. The idea is so convicting and inspiring and I just freaking love it. The funny thing is, I have thought and thought and thought some more about this book and the idea it covers for the past two years but I have yet to actually finish it. Yikes. (Working on it, though! Promise!)
My true thoughts? That to me means, it's just that stinking good. It is challenging, and life altering, and eye opening and all those good things that make you just want to mill it around in your brain for days and days. Or in my case, months and months.
Ok, now that you have the backstory, here is what I am actually getting to. Due to my inherent tendency to always have excess, I have decided to “upcycle” or "reclaim", as I have chosen to say, my wardrobe. I am going to start actually wearing everything that I have. Everything. I am not going to buy any new clothes (aka I am going to avoid Target and T.J. Maxx to the best of my ability and pray, pray, pray that I can do this!). I am not buying any more shoes. No more bags. Nothing. I want to actually use my belongings that I have spent what is probably hundreds and hundreds of dollars on. It will be an adjustment, but I have my fingers crossed that documenting this little project will help hold me accountable and make it successful.
So thank you, Jen Hatmaker, for rocking my world, making me even crazier than I was before and inspiring to me dig deep and get rid of the excess.
P.S. If you want to join .. share your journey with me! I would love to not have to go through this alone! Haha Solidarity sisters!